StoryHouse is a Church with a mission - to make disciples. A large part of our missional activity takes places through StoryHouse Coffee Shop, but we believe this call to make disciples extends far beyond the Coffee Shop to each of our lives.
The Coffee Shop and Church function under the StoryHouse Project, a Charitable company dedicated to advancing the Christian faith. As with all Charities, we are required to submit an Annual Report. If you would like to read our report and accounts from 1st November 2022 to 31st March 2024 to find out more about the inner workings of StoryHouse including a financial report, you can do so below.
We are a growing church, but we want to grow more. We are a congregation of different generations, but our desire is to grow younger. We have shared our faith through the coffee shop and in the places God has placed us but we long to see our church grow through people coming to faith in Jesus.
At the start of 2024 we spent time as a community praying, listening and reflecting on what God was saying to us and we believe he is calling us into a new season of growth. The following document, what we are calling ‘The Blueprint’ lays out the areas that we believe God is calling us to. ‘The Blueprint’ lays out the areas that we believe God is calling us to which include:
Deepening our life of prayer and discipleship
Increasing our visibility and community engagement
Growing younger
Every member ministry
Financial growth and sustainability
At present, thanks to our wonderful supporters, we receive £63,400 every year towards our work. However as our work has grown and costs increased we currently need £80,000 a year in order to keep doing what we are doing but we would like to go beyond that to £94,000 a year which would help us to expand our work especially into the areas of youth and children’s work.
If you feel prompted to give towards the growing ministry of StoryHouse either through a one off donation, monthly giving or increasing your giving you can do so below.