URGENT APPEAL - We need your help. Everything that StoryHouse does is funded by donations. You can read about some of that work and more about our current financial position in our 2024 review. We are extremely grateful for those who currently give to our work as we are not able to do what we do without their generosity. However, at the moment our regular donations only cover 2/3 of our costs leaving us in a critical moment where we will not be able to continue without an increase in regular giving. We urgently need new donors and for those who currently give to consider if they could increase their giving.
If you currently give to StoryHouse via card or Direct Debit, you can manage your giving through by clicking on the link in the email we send each month labelled ‘Manage Giving’.
If you would like to start giving to StoryHouse, you can do so below.
Giving through Direct Debit or Card (below) helps reduce our administration time and reduces our costs. However if you would prefer to give through bank transfer (eg. if you would like to give a large amount) please contact us and we will send you the instructions for doing that.
StoryHouse is a charity that exists to make the Christian faith accessible, to grow and nurture people in the faith and to benefit Crosby. This isn’t possible without our wonderful supporters making this happen. If you’d like to become a regular supporter or give a one off donation you can do so by filling out the form below. All payments are handled and secured by ChurchSuite and GoCardless. If you are a UK tax payer please tick the box as it means we can claim a further 25p for every £1 you donate.