StoryHouse Coffee Shop has been open for nearly 8 years and is more than ready for a refresh! We’ve been working hard over the past few months to put together a vision for revitalised space, that is welcoming, young, fresh and fit for mission. The plan is to refurb the space in two stages, starting with the downstairs hospitality space, followed by the upper room. But to do this we need your help!
We have worked hard to keep to a very tight budget for this refurb. We currently have £3,000 from grants and the generosity of individual giving that will cover the basics of what needs to be done, including investing in resources to help people explore faith and grow in their discipleship. There are other items and changes we would love to make to help create a more hospitable space fit for mission which takes the total needed to £7,500. If we were successful in raising more money towards the refurb project this money would go towards new furniture, sound proofing, games, comfy seating for youth and a better play space for young children in the upper room.
If you would like to donate towards the refurb we have set up a restricted fund for this. Just click on the link below and it will take you to our Refurb Fundraising page.
We are planning a refurb weekend for the downstairs hospitality space from the evening of Friday 23rd August - Monday 26th August. Over this weekend there will be a number of tasks, skills and tools needed to complete the project. Below is a form for you to complete with time slots and tasks so that you can sign up for when suits you best. There are also some tasks that we would like to complete before the refurb weekend, that you can sign up for using the form below, so if you’re not around at the end of August we still need your help!
We would also love to have an outreach session on the Saturday outside the cafe with a giveaway as well as offering prayer, more information about what StoryHouse is about and invites to church. If you’re not up for decorating but would love to be involve in this please complete the relevant section of the form below.
For those who aren’t DIY enthusiasts and/or have young children we will gather on Sunday but not at St Michael’s. We plan to meet at 10 am outside the coffee shop for a short time of open air worship. Followed by a Crosby village litter pick and/or Coronation Park trip for kids whilst refurb volunteers get going inside the coffee shop.